• Earth Homes: A Dignified Way of Living on Mother Earth

    When he died, his house was abandoned, it fell apart little by little from the rain and the sun, the plants climbed through the windows and the earth with which it was built was reintegrated to its source. In the rural territories of Mexico, the act of building homes with earth is so ancestral that…

  • The Legacy of the Ajq’ij: Bridging Our Past and Present

    In the heart of the indigenous territories in Guatemala, the ancestral knowledge of Mayan healers resonates, as guardians of millenary wisdom and caretakers of the health and wellbeing of their communities. The Ajq’ijab’ (timekeepers) not only heal the body, but are care for the spirit and to help us keep our connection with Mother Earth…

  • Caminando hacia el monte

    “They say there are mushrooms in the hills…”

    “They talked about God in the woods, the fog was heavy and strangely warm, I don’t believe in god, and yet I am amazed to the point of superstition at the sheer beauty of this world.”—Julio Delgado, personal communication, 2023 When the first thunder rumbles through the earth and echoes through the ravines, the ladies…

  • Estudiantes de secundaria coimunitaria. Foto: Eva López Chávez

    Oaxaca Indigenous Public Schools: Lessons Learned on Community Education

    FROM THE EDITORS: This relevant article is part of the Tzam Trece Semillas Zapatistas project, a plural, multicultural space that proposes a dialogue (tzam means dialogue in Ayapaneco) between communities, ideas, projects, dreams of the original Mexican peoples. The project’s goal is to publish the work of 130 collaborators in thirteen months, from May 2021 to May…

  • EfrenDelRosal, Wikimedia

    Indigenous Midwives and Healers Denounce Appropriation of Traditional Medicine via Mexico’s Health Law Reform

    FROM THE EDITORS: Last April, the House of Representatives approved reforms to Mexico’s Health Law to regulate traditional and complementary medicine. Several indigenous and civil society groups have rejected the reforms, calling the law unconstitutional for violating the right of indigenous people to free, prior, and informed consent. Traditional indigenous medicine and practices, including midwifery,…

  • Territorio. Photo: Norma Alicia Palma Aguirre

    Tzam: 13 Seeds in 13 Months to Celebrate 130 Indigenous Voices

    FROM THE EDITORS: With this article, we present a project in Mexico by Desinformémonos, Tzam:13 Zapatista Seeds, a space for dialogue (Tzam meaning dialogue in Ayapaneco) between indigenous artists, writers, poets, and community leaders. The project’s goal is to feature the work of 130 collaborators during thirteen months between May 2021 to May 2022, based…

  • Ka Kuxtal Much' Meyaj A.C

    Indigenous Health Manuals, A Contribution to the Pandemic

    One of the primary sources of ancestral knowledge, treasured by humanity, is herbal medicine. Traditional indigenous medicine has its main foundation in the learning and millennial teaching of the healing power of nature, mastery in the use of infusions, poultices, mixtures , and remedies created with various plants, barks, leaves, roots, petals, juices, that applied…

  • Internet indígena. Foto: Rhizomatica

    Solutions for Internet Access in Isolated Regions

    Native communities have depended on their economic capacity to solve their communication services. Historically, there is a global attention deficit in this regard, for example, according to World Bank data, indigenous peoples “have less than half the access to cellular telephony than non-indigenous peoples,” and “between four and six times less internet access than non-indigenous…