The Awasqa scholarship program has highlighted and made tangible the importance of supporting community communicators from underrepresented communities. Awasqa invited a group of young students and professionals from Abya Yala, between the ages of 18 and 28, with some experience in communication and journalism, to develop and share their work. The program’s purpose has been…
We bring together and amplify indigenous voices and organisations. Are you looking to contribute?
The Awasqa scholarship program has highlighted and made tangible the importance of supporting community communicators from underrepresented communities. Awasqa invited a group of young students and professionals from Abya Yala, between the ages of 18 and 28, with some experience in communication and journalism, to develop and share their work. The program’s purpose has been…
The Aymara peasant communities of the Kelluyo district, in the province of Chucuito, Puno region, filed an injunction against the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM), the Geological Mining and Metallurgical Institute (INGEMMET) and a foreign investment mining company for the imposition of seven mining concessions located in their territories. This legal action is an…
“Is it possible to be Mapuche and marika (queer)? What do people think of those who are like me?” These questions sparked a number of conversations about how Mapuche history has been shaped by many attempts to erase the existence of the diversities that inhabit Wallmapu (Mapuche Territory). Thus, little by little, the vindication of…
A mysterious being manifests itself usually as a large snake. The basin of the Guapomó dam or reservoir is located within the Chiquitano Dry Forest of the department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Its waters flow into the San Ignacio de Velasco dam, which covers an area of 300 square kilometers. Its ecosystem is under the…
When he died, his house was abandoned, it fell apart little by little from the rain and the sun, the plants climbed through the windows and the earth with which it was built was reintegrated to its source. In the rural territories of Mexico, the act of building homes with earth is so ancestral that…
Following the declaration of national interest of the El Algarrobo polymetallic mining project, located in Tambogrande, Piura region, grassroots social organizations established a transitory commission to collectively respond to this provocation made by the Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada (ProInversión) and the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem). In 2002, the district of…
The diverse ways in which indigenous women inhabit a space, allow us to recognize identity and gender issues and enable us to analyze territorial problems by interweaving the gaze of thousands of people who share the same space. Every place we inhabit ends up being a biographical slice of our life histories, full of traces…
What Are the United States of Kailasa? The self-proclaimed Hindu religious leader Nithyananda Paramashivam claims to be the founder in 2019 of the United States of Kailasa. Kailasa is said to be located in Latin America, on an island near the Galapagos archipelago in Ecuador, according to a report by the BBC. Vistazo magazine in…
In the heart of the indigenous territories in Guatemala, the ancestral knowledge of Mayan healers resonates, as guardians of millenary wisdom and caretakers of the health and wellbeing of their communities. The Ajq’ijab’ (timekeepers) not only heal the body, but are care for the spirit and to help us keep our connection with Mother Earth…
The whistling of the wind envelops the hills and ravines. We feel wrapped and moved by the mystique of the lullabies that, in moments, explode into screams, until the calmness arrives again. This occurs again and again: they are the voices of our ancestors announcing their survival in the ancestral Tastil territory. In the province…
Photo credits: Kelis Blanquicet Herrera San Basilio de Palenque, located in the Colombian Caribbean, is not only famous for its history of resistance and freedom, but also for its rich and complex spirituality. In an effort to understand this dimension beyond stereotypes, we explore the beliefs, rituals and practices that are integral to life in…
We recognise that our indigenous communities have fought for millennia colonialism, extractivism, and unjust/racist policies that see Mother Earth / Pachamama as an unlimited resource.
All My Relations is a team of folks who care about representations, and how Native peoples are represented in mainstream media. Between us we have decades of experience working in and with Native communities, and writing and speaking about issues of representation.
The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) is an instance of agglutination and national reference of the indigenous movement in Brazil.
The National Articulation of Ancestral Warriors Women (ANMIGA) is a large articulation of Indigenous Women from all biomes in Brazil, with knowledge, with traditions, with struggles that add up and converge, bringing together women mobilized to guarantee Indigenous rights and the life of our Peoples.
Awasqa is a digital platform that seeks to democratize the media through the construction of a collaborative network with indigenous and environmental movements and organizations of the continent, generating a free space for publication in which to share written, audiovisual, visual and sound information, recognizing the diversity of languages and forms of communication, and breaking…
La Comisión Nacional de Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas – CONCIP es la comisión de la Mesa Permanente de Concertación con los Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas – MPC, especializada en área de las comunicaciones.
Is a collation of more than 45 organizations in Bolivia, seeking the commitment of the new Bolivian government with climate justice policies
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) is a national organization that brings together Ecuador’s Indigenous Nationalities, Peoples, Communities, Centers, and Associations. #SomosConaie
The National Indigenous Congress (CNI) was constituted on October 12, 1996, as the home of all indigenous peoples, a space where indigenous peoples can find shared thought and solidarity to strengthen their struggles of resistance and rebellion, with their own forms of organization, representation, and decision-making. We are the pueblos, nations, and tribes of this…
CooperAcción is a Peruvian nonprofit organization that promotes the knowledge and exercise of social, environmental, political, cultural, and economic rights since 1997; as well as the sustainable management of the territory with a gender and intercultural focus. Likewise, it promotes alternatives to extractivism in a consensual and participatory manner, with organized groups, communities, local authorities;…
The Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon – COIAB, founded on April 19, 1989, is the largest regional indigenous organization in Brazil, which emerged through the initiative of leaders of indigenous organizations existing at the time, and as a result of the process of political struggle of indigenous peoples for the recognition and…
Cuencas Sagradas: We are an alliance composed of indigenous organizations of Ecuador and Peru and international non-governmental organizations.
Earthjustice is the premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization.
This initiative was born from a group of people and organizations from different Latin American countries. We are motivated by the urgency of building social dynamics capable of responding to and counteracting the dynamics of capitalist readjustment, concentration of wealth and destruction of ecosystems that we see emerging in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis,…
EDUCA is a non-profit organization fostering democracy and development in Oaxacan communities, promoting justice, equality, and social participation to achieve an elevation of the quality of life for marginalized sectors of the population in Oaxaca.
FGER, Guatemalan Federation of Radio Schools, a Cultural are and educational radio station, with significant experience and capacity in managing communication projects for development, with a national presence and coverage, contributing to the good living of society through multilingual and quality programming.
We are an international indigenous film and video festival organized jointly by different social organizations, collectives, groups, academics, students and communication professionals, Mapuche and non-Mapuche linked to the world of cinema, photography and communications.
Interdisciplinary theater foundation and collective, made up of Mapuche and Chilean artists focused on the promotion and defense of indigenous peoples, community art, and interculturality.
Gidimt’en Checkpoint exists at the direction of our Hereditary House Chiefs in support of their long standing position against oil and gas pipelines.
The Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampis Nation-GTANW, which represents the Wampís nation (current self-denomination), rose from a natural process of socio-historical struggle for dignity and vindication of territorial, social, cultural, educational, and economic rights.
Honor the Earth is a Native-led organization, est. by Winona LaDuke and Indigo Girls Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, in 1993
The Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) is a non-profit organization of the Brazilian civil society, founded in 1994, to propose integrated solutions to social and environmental issues with a central focus on the defense of social, collective, and diffuse goods and rights related to the environment, cultural heritage, human and communal rights.
The Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Jungle (AIDESEP) is the spokesperson organization for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon in our country, which works for the defense and respect of their collective rights through actions to expose their problems and present their alternative to development proposals, according to their worldview and lifestyle.…
Founded in 1977 by the late Eben Hopson of Barrow, Alaska, the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) has flourished and grown into a major international non-government organization representing approximately 160,000 Inuit of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Chukotka (Russia).
Km.169 Prensa Comunitaria from Guatemala, a community journalism project composed of a group of women and men of Mayan origin Q’anjob’al, K’iché´, Q’eqchi, Pocomchi’, Kaqchikel, Chuj, and mestizo.
Lanceros Digitales is CONFENIAE’s communication team, made up of women and men, community communicators of indigenous nationalities, organizations, and grassroots federations of our regional organization, organic to the structure of the Indigenous Movement. We are the digital spears (lanzas digitales) that transmit the information of peoples and nationalities, organizations, and social movements that are not…
LRI is a media movement grounded in our pre-contact ways of life. We are independent media with direction. We are an adaptation of our story-tellers.
We are a groundbreaking movement to amplify rights. We recognize ourselves as a movement of tension insofar as we reclaim territory and we believe that tension movements have to multiply. We do not accept ideological tutelage, we enunciate ourselves politically from our ancestral identity and our cosmogony, knowledge, and territorial identities. We are a belligerent…
The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, Inc. (NIWRC) is a Native-led nonprofit organization dedicated to ending violence against Native women and children. The NIWRC provides national leadership in ending gender-based violence in tribal communities by lifting up the collective voices of grassroots advocates and offering culturally grounded resources, technical assistance and training, and policy development…
National Congress of American Indians is the oldest, largest and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization in the country. NCAI advocates on behalf of tribal governments and their citizens
NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Through organizing, activism, philanthropy, grantmaking, capacity-building and narrative change, we are creating sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms.
The Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, OFRANEH, emerged in 1978, as a Federation of the Garifuna people of Honduras, engaging in the defense of their cultural and territorial rights, with the purpose of achieving survival as a differentiated culture.
Independent news, culture, analysis, and opinion of the Mapuche people
The MRPCPPQ is a space for consultation between the Indigenous Authorities of the Pastos and Quillasingas Peoples, the National and Departmental Government, created by Decree 2194 of October 7, 2013.
Radio Temblor is an alternative means of communication of Voces Ecológicas COVEC that emerged in 2008 in the context of the Rural and National Socio-Environmental Mobilization in Panama. In the midst of these events, the founding team composed of university students set out to make a popular communication medium, turning Radio Temblor into an informative…
We are the Network of Indigenous Adolescents and Youth of the Amazona, known by its acronym in Spanish as RAJIA. Founded in 2014 by indigenous adolescents and youth from several Amazonian communities as part of the Network of Indigenous Youth of Venezuela (REJIVEN). Our vision is centered on the sacred principles and values shared by…
We are a network of Peruvian institutions that at the local, regional, national, and international level, defends and promotes the recognition, respect, and exercise of the rights of communities and populations, as well as sustainable development, where mining activities are planned and/or being carried out to analyze their social, environmental and cultural implications.
We are a work team based in Peru identified with the aspirations of indigenous or native peoples, and committed to the challenge of promoting intercultural, independent, reflective and plural communication.
An international organization that develops ingenious ideas with people living in poverty so that they can improve their lives. Peru.
Since inception, The Red Road Project’s purpose is to document, through words & visuals, the inspiring and resilient stories of Native America. These stories, not often told, highlight people that are doing positive things to help their communities prosper.
The Voice of the Peoples of the popular revolt to the constitutional assembly, it is a political statement of 34 Constituents of Chile.
The Tk‘emlúpsemc, ‘the people of the confluence’, now known as the Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc are members of the Interior-Salish Secwepemc (Shuswap) speaking peoples of British Columbia.
Tzam means “dialogue” in Ayapaneco, one of the more than 60 languages that are spoken on ancestral territory, only that this one, with its less than ten speakers, is in danger of disappearing. Tzam, dialogue, is the heart of this project. Specifically, 10 monthly participations of different indigenous peoples that elaborate on their history and…
Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) is leading the way in research and data for urban American Indian and Alaska Native communities. As a Public Health Authority and one of 12 Tribal Epidemiology Centers in the country—and the only one that serves Urban Indian Health Programs nationwide—UIHI conducts research and evaluation, collects and analyzes data, and provides…
Water Protector Legal Collective provides legal support and advocacy for Indigenous peoples, the Earth, and climate justice movements.