FROM THE EDITORS: From Peru, Red Muqui shares an analysis of the Ministry of Energy’s new mining program under Pedro Castillo’s government, which essentially gives continuity to past mining policies. There is great concern about an obvious omission in recent documents of the human and social rights of indigenous and campesino communities, when Castillo had…
FROM THE EDITORS: At the beginning of the pandemic, several states opted to declare a state of emergency as a precautionary measure aimed at addressing the emergency. The indigenous organizations of the Wampís Nation in the Peruvian Amazon document that the measures in that country have not only been ineffective but have also generated a…
August 9 is the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples—a celebration of the uniqueness of the traditions of Quechua, Huli, Zapotec, and thousands of other cultures, but also of the universality of potatoes, bananas, beans, and the rest of the foods that nourish the world. These crops did not arise out of thin air.…
In 2009, right in the middle of the Free Trade Agreement negotiations with the United States, and as part of the government’s strategy to bypass the legislative branch, the president of Peru Alan Garcia, issued a series of decrees that “facilitated” mining and oil extraction in indigenous territories. This, in fact, led to the cancellation…
Slowly we perceive―like the rising of the river when it comes down from the mountain―that the rain at the top of the summit hasn’t ceded, and that we must prepare for the sudden flow. After the initial storm, like the soft roots that creep between the stones until they are broken, ideas, actions, and the…