FUENTE: Publicado Originalmente en APC Bolivia (ABI)
The Alliance of Women’s Social Organizations for the Democratic and Cultural Revolution (Alianza de Organizaciones Sociales de Mujeres por la Revolución Democrática y Cultural) repudiated Friday the acts of violence that occurred in recent days in the country, by the opposition that rejects the results of the general elections of October 20, and convened the Women’s sector to mobilize against hatred, racism and pacification of the country.
“We convened to analyze the situation of the country because these days we have experienced a panic of discrimination and racism of all women, especially women of pollera [indigenous skirt], and indigenous status, so that is why our organizations are make our concerns public,” said the executive secretary of the Confederation of Peasant and Indigenous Women “Bartolina Sisa”, Segundina Flores, who is a member of that alliance.
The women’s alliance made that repudiation known through a manifest in defense of peace, democracy and dignity in the country, which was made public after a meeting with President Evo Morales at the Casa Grande del Pueblo.
The document says: “The Alliance of Women’s Social Organizations for the Democratic and Cultural Revolution, repudiates any act of violence expressed against Bolivian women promoted by the president of the Pro Santa Cruz Civic Committee and Potosí, Fernando Camacho and Marco Pumari, respectively, as well as the rector of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Waldo Albarracín, the candidate for the Citizen Community, Carlos Mesa and others.”
The repudiation of the alliance was directed against the discriminatory acts that occurred mainly towards the indigenous women of pollera, union members and workers, and therefore demanded that the corresponding instances proceed to make an investigation immediate and seek prosecution of these facts. Through the manifest, additionally, the women summoned to join the mobilizations in the country against the hatred, racism, in favor of the pacification of the country, and for the cessation of blockades and strikes that harm the families, the people and the economic development of the country.
The Councilor of the Movement to Socialism (MAS), Mavel Machicado, who read the manifest, explained that the mobilizations will take place on November 6 in Cochabamba, 8 in La Paz, 11 in Tarija and November 13 in Oruro.
The women also denounced the use of fear, lies, alarmism and misinformation by the media and social networks that deepen the conflicts between Bolivian brothers and sisters, and saturate any possibility of a collective construction towards dialogue.
They demanded that the media previously verify the information to be provided and avoid promoting violence so as not to endanger the life and integrity of the population.
They demanded the lifting of strikes that threaten the rights to work, to study, to transit freely, to freedom of expression, as well as to the guarantees of the corresponding institutions to be able to exercise their activities in peace, since they are at risk from delinquent positioning, the civic leaders of Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, La Paz, Potosí and Chuquisaca, who want Bolivia to go backwards by the process of change on the recognition of women’s rights.
In addition, they asked the authorities of private, public and agreement educational institutions, mainly at the secondary and university level, to refrain from instigating, forcing and using their children as cannon fodder, without respecting their opinions and jeopardizing their physical integrity. Otherwise, they will be responsible for what happens with their children.
The manisfest also indicates that the audit conducted by the Organization of American States (OAS) to the elections of October 20, is the solution to pacify the country, therefore, the current blockades and strikes fueled by civic committees throughout the country are not justified.
For his part, the president thanked the support of the alliance of women who organized to defend democracy.
“Very grateful for the sincere support of the sister leaders of the Alliance of Women’s Social Organizations for the Democratic and Cultural Revolution, which are organized to defend women’s democracy and dignity against hatred, racism, machismo and patriarchy,” said the head of state said on his Twitter account.