What Are the United States of Kailasa? The self-proclaimed Hindu religious leader Nithyananda Paramashivam claims to be the founder in 2019 of the United States of Kailasa. Kailasa is said to be located in Latin America, on an island near the Galapagos archipelago in Ecuador, according to a report by the BBC. Vistazo magazine in…
It is with great joy that we want to introduce the first eight young Awasqa Youth Scholarship recipients! The main objective of the Awasqa Youth Scholarship is to create networks across Latin America and to give visibility to the work of Black and indigenous youth who are leading in the fields of community journalism, communication…
Source: Originally Published by Revista Amazonas Translated by Awasqa Interview with Amarela Varela Huerta and Soledad Álvarez Velasco This text stems from an interview with Soledad Alvarez Velasco (Ecuadorian) and Amarela Varela Huerta (Mexican) Their words show a common sisterly fabric, an intellectual, feminist, transnational friendship and, above all, their activism for a dignified and…
FROM THE EDITORS: Patricia Yallico from ACAPANA hosts the show “Insurrectas,” a show posted regularly on their social media. We are featuring this conversation below with Paolina Vercoutere of the Otavalo people and Ana Cristina Vera of Surkuna, an organization that fights for women’s reproductive and access to abortion rights. In April of 2021, Ecuador’s…
Slowly we perceive―like the rising of the river when it comes down from the mountain―that the rain at the top of the summit hasn’t ceded, and that we must prepare for the sudden flow. After the initial storm, like the soft roots that creep between the stones until they are broken, ideas, actions, and the…
FROM THE EDITORS: During the October 2019 protests in Ecuador led by indigenous groups and social justice organizations, politicians made openly racist statements, replicated by the media and promoted by social networks, that deeply polarized the country. Below we share a clear response to racist comments made on a popular podcast, raising calls for inquiries…
Editors Note: This essay was originally published by Salvador Quishpe Lozano on October 12, 2019, as a call and response to the great repression suffered to the indigenous-led protests against IMF-sponsored neoliberal policies. It places the protests in a historical context of indigeous resistance. References have been added by Awasqa for English speakers. Today, October…