“Is it possible to be Mapuche and marika (queer)? What do people think of those who are like me?” These questions sparked a number of conversations about how Mapuche history has been shaped by many attempts to erase the existence of the diversities that inhabit Wallmapu (Mapuche Territory). Thus, little by little, the vindication of…
Near the coast of Valdivia (Chile), one can find the anti-speciesist Baucis Forest Refuge (Refugio Bosque Baucis), an animal sanctuary founded and maintained by a group of gender-diverse people. It houses around 40 rescued animals, among them, dogs, cats, chickens, sheep, geese, ducks, and pigs. The refuge was named after Emilia Milen “Bau” Obrecht, a…
It is with great joy that we want to introduce the first eight young Awasqa Youth Scholarship recipients! The main objective of the Awasqa Youth Scholarship is to create networks across Latin America and to give visibility to the work of Black and indigenous youth who are leading in the fields of community journalism, communication…
SOURCE: Red Muqui. Translated by: Andrea Pisera The myths of “green,” “sustainable” and “climate smart” mining are gaining traction across the world. Companies are marketing these mines as “green,” and present them as the solution to the climate crisis in order to attract investors. They promote Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria, and the…
FROM THE EDITORS: The 17 elected representatives for the seats reserved for the first nations for the Constitutional Convention in Chile have released a statement against the militarization and declaration of a state of emergency in Wallmapu territory. On October 12, President Sebastián Piñera declared a state of emergency in the southern macrozone for “serious…
FROM THE EDITORS: On June 8, 2021, the Voice of the Peoples of the popular revolt to the constitutional assembly, a group of 34 (now 38) elected constituents in Chile, representatives of the ethnic, social, political, and cultural diversity of that country, published a public manifesto to announce six fundamental demands towards a fair and…
FROM THE EDITORS: This weekend, May 15 and 16, Chileans will return to the voting booth to elect 155 delegates that will convene to draft a new Constitution to replace the one drafted in 1980 under Pinochet’s dictatorship. Indigenous people were able to secure 17 reserved seats (escaños reservados) from those 155 delegates, and although…
FROM THE EDITORS: The Epew Collective is a theater group with Mapuche and Chilean members, that works in “defense of native peoples, community art, and interculturality.” Below we reproduce an article about a new bilingual project, Radio Teatro Mapuche, which was made for children without access to internet in Mapuche territory, who have been taking…