Ashanty Lawhier

Ashanty Lawhier

Nacido en la tierra de Antonio Cervantes Kid Pambelé, Ashanty fue criado en el microuniverso de los mohanes y de las sacerdotisas que conocen el sonido de las aguas, en ese espacio de resistencia conformado por los cimarrones que se ubicaron entre la espesura de los Montes de María (EL PALENKE DE BENKOS). Ashanty es gestor cultural, músico, narrador comunitario de chagra, productor de cine y co-fundador del colectivo juvenil Influencers Étnicos, un colectivo que nace de visibilizar las realidades de las comunidades étnicas a través de contenidos audiovisuales.

Ashanty Lawhier’s Organisations
Articles by Ashanty Lawhier
  • Rituals and Beliefs: Spiritual Life in Palenque beyond Stereotypes

    Rituals and Beliefs: Spiritual Life in Palenque beyond Stereotypes

    Photo credits: Kelis Blanquicet Herrera San Basilio de Palenque, located in the Colombian Caribbean, is not only famous for its history of resistance and freedom, but also for its rich and complex spirituality. In an effort to understand this dimension beyond stereotypes, we explore the beliefs, rituals and practices that are integral to life in…

  • The Palenque Creek: A Stream of Traditions Emanating Identity

    The Palenque Creek: A Stream of Traditions Emanating Identity

    In the community of Palenque, a natural treasure flows vigorously through the entire territory: the Palenque stream. But this body of water goes beyond its basic function as a water source. For the Palenqueros, the stream is the very soul of their community, shaping not only their physical environment but also their identities, social relations…