Robin Wall Kimmerer

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Escritora Robin Wall Kimmerer. Ella es madre, científica, profesora e integrante registrada como Ciudadana de la Nación Potawatomi. Es la autora de Braiding Sweetgrass: sabiduría indígena, conocimiento científico y enseñanzas de las plantas. Kimmerer vive en Syracuse, Nueva York, donde es Profesora Distinguida de Biología Ambiental de SUNY y fundadora y directora del Centro para los Pueblos Nativos y el Medio Ambiente.

Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Organisations
Articles by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance

    The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance

    FROM THE EDITORS: This article was originally published in Emergence Magazine. We are grateful to them, who have authorized its publication and translation into Spanish in Awasqa. The cool breath of evening slips off the wooded hills, displacing the heat of the day, and with it come the birds, as eager for the cool as…