Yásnaya Aguilar

Yásnaya Aguilar

Yásnaya Aguilar, Ayutla Mixe, forma parte del COLMIX, estudió Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas y cursó la maestría en Lingüística en la UNAM. Ha colaborado en diversos proyectos sobre divulgación de la diversidad lingüística, desarrollo de contenidos gramaticales para materiales educativos en lenguas indígenas y proyectos de documentación y atención a lenguas en riesgo de desaparición. Escribe el blog #Ayuujk en la web de Este País. Para leer más sobre la autora, ver “Yásnaya Aguilar: la defensora de lenguas que imagina un mundo sin Estados”

Yásnaya Aguilar’s Organisations
Articles by Yásnaya Aguilar
  • Complementary Duality and the Popol vuj: Patriarchy, capitalism, and dispossession

    Complementary Duality and the Popol vuj: Patriarchy, capitalism, and dispossession

    SOURCE: Originally published and with authorization of La Revista de la Universidad de México, and the authors. English translation by Awasqa. Interview by Yásnaya Aguilar to Aura Cumes YÁSNAYA: From the point of view of community feminism, when the colonial order was established, there was a confluence between ancestral and Western patriarchy; other positions maintain that it…

  • Language Is Not Culture

    Language Is Not Culture

    For many indigenous peoples, land is a specific physical entity, but the notion of territory includes life associated with that land and the cultural manifestations linked to that physical entity, the sense of belonging and the way in which we relate to it. Territory, it has been said emphatically many times, is not just land.…