Congreso Nacional Indígena de México

Congreso Nacional Indígena

The National Indigenous Congress (CNI) was constituted on October 12, 1996, as the home of all indigenous peoples, a space where indigenous peoples can find shared thought and solidarity to strengthen their struggles of resistance and rebellion, with their own forms of organization, representation, and decision-making. We are the pueblos, nations, and tribes of this country México: Amuzgo, Binnizá, Chichimeca, Chinanteco, Chol, Chontal de Oaxaca, Chontal de Tabasco, Coca,  Comcac, Cuicateco, Cucapá, Guarijío,  Ikoots, Kumiai, Lacandón, Mam, Matlazinca, Maya, Mayo, Mazahua, Mazateco, Mixe, Mixteco, Nahua, Ñahñu/Ñajtho/Ñuhu, Náyeri, Popoluca, Purépecha, Rarámuri, ,Sayulteco, Tepehua, Tepehuano, Tlapaneco, Tohono Oódham, Tojolabal, Totonaco, Triqui, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Wixárika,  Yaqui, Zoque, Afro-Mestizo, and Mestizo.

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