Km.169 Prensa Comunitaria

Km.169 Prensa Comunitaria from Guatemala, a community journalism project composed of a group of women and men of Mayan origin Q’anjob’al, K’iché´, Q’eqchi, Pocomchi’, Kaqchikel, Chuj, and mestizo.

Organisation Authors
    Articles by Km.169 Prensa Comunitaria
    • 200 Years Later Mayan People Reclaim their History of Independence

      200 Years Later Mayan People Reclaim their History of Independence

      FROM THE EDITORS: In Guatemala, people are celebrating the memory of Atanasio Tzul, the first indigenous mayor of the country who, in 1820, led an indigenous uprising against Spanish colonialism, as well as a living example of the struggle for the people’s self-determination. The document below was originally published by Prensa Comunitaria from Guatemala, a…