Radio Temblor

Radio Temblor is an alternative means of communication of Voces Ecológicas COVEC that emerged in 2008 in the context of the Rural and National Socio-Environmental Mobilization in Panama.

In the midst of these events, the founding team composed of university students set out to make a popular communication medium, turning Radio Temblor into an informative reference with reporters and producers in Panama and other countries in Latin America.

Organisation Authors
    Articles by Radio Temblor
    • The Supreme Court of Justice of Panama Declares Mining Law 406 Unconstitutional

      The Supreme Court of Justice of Panama Declares Mining Law 406 Unconstitutional

      On November 28th, various social sectors, social organizations, and citizens took to the streets to celebrate the Supreme Court’s ruling of unconstitutionality of Mining Law 406. Over a month of resistance and street protests by different sectors positioned social sectors against mining extractivism due to a series of consequences in economic, environmental, human rights and…

    • Panama: Outright Rejection to New Mining Projects

      Panama: Outright Rejection to New Mining Projects

      According to Radio Temblor, a coalition of over 30 organizations that make up Panama Is Worth More without Mining Movement (MPVMSM, for its acronym in Spanish) has outright rejected the government’s plans to expand mining projects in the country, citing mismanagement and corruption. Members of this coalition gathered in mid-September for a conference to explore…

    • Honduras: The Garifuna People Seek Community Solutions to Pandemic

      Honduras: The Garifuna People Seek Community Solutions to Pandemic

      FROM THE EDITORS: We share a reflection by Miriam Miranda, president of the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, OFRANEH, about the work they are doing around the COVID-19 emergency. This is a transcript based on an interview by Radio Temblor. We highlight the community efforts that are being made in Honduras, despite the abandonment of the…