Leidy Yareth González Romero

Leidy Yareth González Romero

Leidy Yareth González Romero es licenciada en Comunicación Intercultural de la Universidad Intercultural del Estado de México, y trabaja como profesional en formación intercultural en el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones en la Ciudad de México.

Leidy Yareth González Romero’s Organisations
Articles by Leidy Yareth González Romero
  • The Challenges of Teaching Indigenous Languages to Children

    The Challenges of Teaching Indigenous Languages to Children

    FROM THE EDITORS: The following article on indigenous language pedagogy and challenges was originally published in Entremundos, an organization in Guatemala that provides support and training workshops towards social initiatives. Their Revista sobre Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo (Human Rights and Development Magazine) is a print and online publication that provides an impressive work of community…